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CRD Releases Details About Our Soon-to-be-Established Local Community Commission

Gayle Baker

December 9

As almost no one came to this ASK Salt Spring gathering, the few who came spent the time together swapping stories about our most interesting Salt Spring dramas, none of which will be shared here :).

Instead, here is a summary of the just-released Local Community Commission (LCC) Staff Report outlining implementation details. . . .The CRD Board will meet Wednesday, December 14 to discuss a variety of issues, including our soon-to-be-established LCC. For a complete agenda of this meeting and information about connecting virtually, see:

On page 6 of this agenda, there are links to some LCC information including:

  1. CRD Staff Reports concerning implementation of our LCC,

  2. A list of services delegated to our LCC,

  3. The LCC Establishment Bylaw 4507 which will be read a fourth (and final time) time at this December 2022 meeting.

Some information included in the Staff Report includes:

Election: The election of Local Commissioners has been targeted for May 27, 2023. This election will be conducted by CRD - as are other local elections - and will offer local polling places as well as a somewhat cumbersome mail-in option.

Bylaw Approval: This report also clarified that the LCC Establishment Bylaw 4507 was approved by the province on August 12, 2022. This reading by the CRD Board is the final step required for the approval of this bylaw.

Commissions: This report confirms the dissolution of certain Salt Spring Island commissions, more specifically PARC, Community Economic Sustainability, Liquid Waste, and Transportation. According to this report, final reports and transition materials will be provided to the incoming LCC. Changes will be necessary to various commission and delegation bylaws to complete the transition.

When Will the LCC Begin Meeting? The first LCC meeting is targeted for mid-June, 2023. These elected Local Commissioners will serve until the next local election in 2026.

Anticipated Service Interruptions? No significant service interruptions are expected. However, Grant-in-Aid approvals may take longer as the Local Commission (which includes the CRD Director) will now make these allocation decisions.

Costs: Salt Spring taxpayers will be responsible for all costs of the LCC, including the cost of this May election of Local Commissioners as well as their renumeration. According to this report, If a heightened service level is required, there may be additional financial implications and staffing requests.

And, So That We Don’t Forget Bylaw 4508. . . .While the focus of this Staff report is upon Bylaw 4507, the bylaw we approved in our recent election, there is also another, Bylaw 4508, that did not require voter approval but that delineates the LCC’s authority. This authority is defined as:

The Regional Board hereby delegates to the Commission the powers of the Regional Board with respect to the development, maintenance and operation of the services listed as administrative in Schedule “A.” Administrative authority includes the following:

(a) Authorize entering into agreements respecting the undertaking, provision and operation of the District’s works and services;

(b) Identification and creation of strategic plans and priorities, and service-specific operational policies;

(c) Recommending to the Regional Board user fees and charges to be established by bylaw;

(d) Direction on maintenance of property or interests in property managed by the service;

(e) Authorize acquisition and disposition of property or an interest in property subject to approved financial plans and in accordance with sections 12 and 13 of this Bylaw;

(f) Review and provide direction on annual budgets each year by no later than September 15, or such other date as set by the District’s Chief Financial Officer, for Regional Board consideration and approval; and

(g) Consideration of matters referred to the Commission by the Regional Board.

Next Steps? The conclusion of this report recommends that Bylaw No. 4507 be adopted and that staff be authorized to proceed with the planning and establishment of a Local Community Commission election and bylaw amendments to dissolve our four island-wide commissions.

It is anticipated that this recommendation will be approved at the upcoming December 14, 2022 CRD Board meeting.

CRD Director Gary Holman noted that a May election should give candidates plenty of time to prepare their campaigns and be in place in time to help develop the CRD 2024 provisional budget.

Gary stated it is important that voters elect LCC Commissioners that are willing to work together constructively to make this new governance body effective and productive.

The orientation of the LCC will be provided by CRD staff but Gary believes that input from former island-wide commissions should also be included.

Gary will also work to implement his commitment during the election to assist the LCC to develop a strategic focus as soon as possible.

Please join us at our NEW LOCATION - the Lobby of the Middle School - on Friday, December 16,11-1, to welcome Nejmah, Guermoudi, our passionate supporter and activist for our most marginalized community members. You can ask your questions, listen to those of others, and participate in a rich conversation about those in our community in need.

And. . . to make this holiday season more comfortable for others, you can also bring any warm mittens, scarves, sweaters, and - especially - warm socks that you can spare to make this holiday season happier for others. Anything gratefully accepted. . . even vitamins to help others stay healthier.

Thank you for your generosity!

We look forward to seeing you this Friday, December 16, to welcome Nejmah and share some holiday cheer.

See you Friday, December 16, 11-1, in the Middle School Lobby* to welcome Nejmah!

*From Rainbow Road, turn right just after the School Board building and drive up the hill where you can park. (If the parking lot is full, you may have to park lower on the hill near Mahon Hall. You can also park on Park Drive.)

Enter the building on the left as you look at it, and you will see the Lobby to the right as soon as you enter.

What would you like to ask Nejmah?

  • Can you tell us a bit about those you help?

  • What do you hope to accomplish in 2023?

  • Do you envision any partnerships with other local organizations to achieve your goals?

  • What is your wish for this holiday season?

  • And. . . ?

Please join us this Friday, December 16 for a rich conversation with Nejmah. Remember: the Middle School Lobby!

***New fundraising option***

You can now give the Return It change you earn from your bottles to ASK Salt Spring: Account #230.

Any question, anytime:

Want to see reports from all the ASK Salt Spring gatherings?

Want to help? ASK Salt Spring now has a Save-a-Tape box at Country Grocer.

We love your receipts! Remember: #15

Our Partners. . . .

Country Grocer through Save-a-Tape and Gift Cards, Island Savings’ Simple Generosity grant, and Institute for Sustainability, Education, and Action (I-SEA).

A heartfelt Thank-You!

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