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Ferries, Parking and - Again! - Potholes and Pathways

Gayle Baker

January 17:

Ten guests attended this session.

  • Unhappiness expressed with the fact that BC Ferries cancelled all crossings on the Vesuvius-Crofton route at 3pm several sailings before a storm arrived later that afternoon the previous week

  • The premature cancellations left many Saltspringers stranded for the night on Vancouver Island

  • I undertook to[provide her with contact address for Harold Swierenga, SSIFAC chair and for BC Ferries - DONE

  • It was also suggested that she consider writing to the Driftwood and to our MLA

It came up in conversation that that there was no clock repairperson on SSI.Peter Grove corrected

me and gave me a contact number for Mark’s Clock Works, 250-537-0957

Cars should park on an angle on Jackson Ave between the Coop gas and the auto parts.

Angle parking rather than parallel parking would add several spaces

  • She questioned whether there is sufficient MoT RoW to formalize angle parking in this area

  • It was suggested that concrete curbs could be installed at an angle in this location (as on Hereford) to encourage the move to angle parking

  • The “appalling” lack of pathways/sidewalks in Ganges Village particularly on Rainbow Road in the school district and between Rainbow and Upper Ganges on Lower Ganges Road was lamented

  • It was explained to her that pathways in these areas have long been planned as phase 2 of the NGTP

  • She was encouraged to register her concern with the CRD Director

  • Concern was expressed concern about the lack of roadside safety features on Vesuvius Bay Road where there is a precipitous drop-off at various locations on the east side of the road

  • She was encouraged to return to ASK Salt Spring the following week to meet with Emcom representatives

  • A complaint was made about the method used to fill potholes on Dukes Road

  • The poor quality of the material used to temporarily patch potholes does not last and represents a waste of time and money

  • Participants were encouraged to return to ASK Salt Spring the following week to meet with Emcom representatives

One Brinkworthy resident complained that her property assessment values her home almost $100,000 higher than others in the community. She called the assessment authorities in Victoria and spoke to the person responsible for SSI. That person was unable to justify why there seems to be such a disparity in what appear too be fairly similar properties in the community. If she files an appeal, she would likely be obliged to travel to Victoria for any should hearing which she finds to be a burden for seniors like herself in Brinkworthy.

One participant was concerned about the lack of action being taken by the LTC to mitigate climate change and about the burning of slash on SSI which has such a negative impact on air quality particularly for nearby residents

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