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Logging, Development Permits, and Emergency Preparedness

Gayle Baker

November 8:

Although only three came to ask questions, there were a total of six Salt Springers who came to ASK Salt Spring during this session, marking the one-month anniversary of this initiative. Those who did not have a question stayed quite a while (one even stayed for the entire three hours) to see what ASK Salt Spring was all about and to listen to the interesting conversations.

The first who arrived was looking for a map of designated development permit areas. Although appreciating the aerial photograph of Salt Spring on the table, it was soon recognized that this would not answer his question. The reason he came to ASK Salt Spring was that, the day before, large equipment had rolled onto the property right next door to him and started to clear-cut huge chunks of the land.

A discussion of this situation lasted about 30 minutes, with those in the room sharing information about what was happening on Salt Spring concerning logging and the many layers of government that are struggling to respond to this activity on private property.

It was suggested that he visit Islands Trust office next. He was also given Darryl Martin’s email address and told that Darryl and others had been looking into this issue and would be able to help him understand the legislative and other issues involved. (Bernadette Mertens-McAllister and husband, Peter are other good contacts for questions about logging on private property.

Brian Bogdanovich was asked about a back-up heating and power system that could be installed in her home to be ready for emergencies. Brian and everyone else shared their best advice. We gave her the following written information:

- Location of the Home Design Centre across from Merchant Mews where they sell propane stoves,

- Location of the Rental Stop on Rainbow Road where they sell generators, and

- Information about Transition Salt Spring, where one of their working groups can help people install solar and other renewable energy systems.

She then asked about getting rid of an above-ground oil tank. She was referred to Salt Spring Fire Rescue as they just had to remove a tank. It was also suggested that she contact Cowichan Petroleum Sales. Although they do sales, it it not clear that they do removals as well. She was asked to come back to ASK Salt Spring if she needed further help with this.

After her questions were answered, she stayed around for another 30 minutes to join into the conversation about emergency preparedness. When she left, she said, This is so great – thank you for all the good work you are doing!

Brian gave us all an overview of the CRD PANS System (Public Alert Notification System). He urged us to be sure that we are signed up for this.

The next guest wanted to know about the CRD counter-petition process and how she could best submit her voting ballot. The CRD office was contacted and she was given the information she needed about mailing it in. She was very appreciative and left after getting this information.

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